979.401 Orle 1920-21 1721877 aSNEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 01149 5113 "^ The Ebell Society of the Santa Ana Valley OTb^ii "That is only true living which is ever learning' Annual Announcement 1920-1Q2 I Organized November 25, 1894 Federated (State) January ij, 1900 Incorporated January 19, 1910 1721877 of tl]e ^aiita ^iia ^alky as somrtljitti; sncrrb aitb fimrtliu of mtfatltuu Inunltu, 31 plcbi^c musrlf tn sushttit \\\t (llliib tit its ^ooii fumk iwxix to ti,uarb its reputatioit as long as (31 am a mmuhcr. Ebell Origin (JTf HE Ebell Society of the Santa Ana Valley owes 1|L its plan of organization and its inspiration to the Ebell of Oakland, California, which was founded by Dr. Ebell, of Berlin, in 1876. This gentleman was convinced that the great need of the feminine mind was the systematic study of the exact sciences, including music, art and languages. He therefore founded an "International Academy," with headquarters in Berlin, designing to establish "chapters" all over the world. The first of these was the result of a lecture delivered by him in Oakland. Dr. Ebell, dying shortly after this, the Oakland ladies decided to change their name to the Ebell Society, and to sever its connection with Berlin. The following year the system of study in classes was inaugurated, which has secured the per- manence and success of the institution. In 1894, sev- eral members of the Oakland Society who had moved to Southern California, united with the Los Angeles ladies to form an Ebell Society there. A month later the Ebell Society of the Santa Ana Valley was organ- ized at a meeting called by Mrs. W. S. Bartlett. and held in the parlors of Mrs. J. R. Medlock, in Santa Ana. Forty ladies were present. The following officers were elected ; President, Mrs. W. S. Bartlett; Vice-President, Mrs. R. J. Blee; Recording Secretary. Miss A. L. Galloway; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. D. Buss; Treasurer. Mrs. D. F. Pride. FRANKLINA GRAY BARTLETT. Page Four L Officers and Directors OFFICERS Honorary President Mrs. W. S. Bartletl President Mrs. J. E. Gowen First Vice-President Miss Minnie C. Childs Second Vice-President Mrs. A. M. Gardner Recording Secretary Mrs. Susie M. Rutherford Corresponding Secretary Miss Lida Crookshank Treasurer Mrs. E. B. Smith Curator Mrs. Roy H. Hall DIRECTORS Mrs. J. E. Gowen Mrs. C. F. Crose Mrs. N. A. Reals Mrs. J. W. McCormac Mrs. Geo. S. Briggs Mrs. L. F. Moulton Mrs. P. A. Robinson I HISTORIAN Mrs. J. R. Medlock FEDERATION SECRETARY Mrs. Edward M. Nealley PAST PRESIDENTS Mrs. W. S. Bartlett Los Angeles Mrs. E. D. Buss Bakersfield Mrs. Victor Montgomery Santa Ana Mrs. J. W. Bishop Santa Ana Mrs. S. M. Davis Santa Ana Mrs. Edward M. Nealley Tustin Mrs. A. J. Crookshank Santa Ana Mrs. Samuel W. Nau Tustin Mrs. A. J. Lawton. Santa Ana Mrs. C. F. Crose Santa Ana Mrs. W. L. Grubb Santa Ana Page Five I Standing Committees HOUSE Mrs. J. E. Paul, Chairman Mrs. J. P. Hatzfeld Mrs. Geo. S. Briggs Mrs. A. N. Cox Mrs. E. A. Stockslager Mrs. F. W. Slabaugh Mrs. E. M. Nealley Mrs. Ella J. Campau Mrs. C. 0. Vance USHERS Mrs. Howard Timmons, Chairman Mrs. Adrain McCain Miss Louise Tubbs Mrs. Spencer Collins Miss Margaret White Mrs. Lester Tubbs Miss Leonora Tompkins ENTERTAINMENT Mrs. George Balderston, Chairman Mrs. O. M. Robbins Mrs. T. A. Winbigler Mrs. J. E. Liebig Mrs. G. H. Dobson Mrs. W. W. Wasser Mrs. H. T. Trueblood Mrs. Wm. Whitehead Mrs. H. A. Wassum Mrs. John Wehrley PRESS Mrs. Terry E. Stephenson, Chairman Mrs. John Clarkson Miss Katherine Edwards Mrs. W. M. Smart Mrs. E. B. Burns AUDITING Mrs. W. E. Otis, Chairman Mrs. E. B. Spragm FLOWER Mrs. W. W. Anderson. Chairman Mrs. E. L. Morrison EDUCATION Mrs. H. M. Sammis. Chairman Mrs. Charles F. Heil Mrs. S. H. Finley DAY NURSERY Mrs. A. H. Lyon, Chairman Mrs. Stephen Ross, Treasurer Mrs. Cood Adams Mrs. Dama Smith Mrs. J. E. Liebig Mrs. F. B. Browning Mrs. W. D. Baker Mrs. E. A. Stockslager Mrs. Susie Rutherford Page Six Special Committees DECORATING Mrs. Joe Burke. Chairman Mrs. A. N. Zerman Mrs. Marie Turner Mrs. Ray Chandler Mrs. W. L. McCleary LEGISLATION Mrs. A. J. Lawton PARLIAMENTARIAN Mrs. .S. M. Davis EBELL LOT Mrs. P. A. Robinson MEMBERSHIP Mrs. W. L. Deimling, Chairman Mrs. J. C. Metzgar Mrs. F. C. Rowland WAYS AND MEANS Miss Minnie C. Childs, Chairman Mrs. A. M. Gardner, Assistant Chairman Miss Rosa Boyd Mrs. R. T. Harris Mrs. S. M. Nau Mrs. W. D. Baker Mrs. George Reyburn CIVICS Mrs. W. B. Tedford Page Seven Departments MUSIC Mrs. T. A. Winbigler, Leader Second Monday FIRST TRAVELERS Mrs. J. P. Baumgartner, Leader First and Third Mondays SECOND TRAVELERS Mrs. J. E. Paul, Leader First Monday THIRD TRAVELERS Mrs. D. A. Dale, Leader Fourth Friday FIRST HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS Mrs. O. M. Robbins, Leader Third Thursday SECOND HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS Mrs. J. N. Bartholomew, Leader Second Wednesday THIRD HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS Mrs. E. L. Morrison, Leader Third Friday SIXTH HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS Mrs. H. T. Trueblood, Leader Third Friday Pa^e Eight Departments — Continued DRAMA Miss Beulah May, Leader First Thursday DRAMA-MUSIC Mrs. L. A. McCain, Leader Second and Fourth Mondays CIVICS Mrs. Victor Montgomery, Leader Third Tuesday FRENCH Mrs. E. M. Nealley, Leader Thursday Mornings TUSTIN LITERATURE Miss Minnie Childs, Leader First Tuesday I'age Nine Regular Meetings 1919-1920 SEPTEMBER 29 Reception — Executive Board for the membership. Music — Mrs. F. W. Slabaugh, Contralto. Mrs. Ollimae Matthews, Violinist. Miss Rena Cranston, Whistler. Mr. Clarence A. Gustlin, Pianist. OCTOBER 29 Pianologue — Miss Freda Peyke. NOVEMBER 24 Founders" Day Lecture — "America Makes a Reputation." Miss Theresa Cogswell. JANUARY 26 Musical — Mrs. F. W. Slabaugh, Contralto. Mrs. Ollimae Matthews, Violinist. Mr. Clarence A. Gustlin. Pianist. FEBRUARY 23 Dramatic Reading — "Abraham Lincoln," by John Drink- water. Professor Clark of Chicago Uni- versity. MARCH 29 Dramatic Reading — "Friendly Enemies." Miss Gay Zenola McClaren. Page Ten APRIL 26 Guest of Honor — Mrs. Aaron Schloss, State President. Parfy- -America in Costume. JUNE 1 Reading — "Zuni Indian Legends." Slepheni Schutzi. Music — Mrs. F. W. Slabaugh, Contralto. Mrs. Arnold Peek. Pianist. JUNE 28 Entertainment — Drama-Music Section. "The Importance of Being Clothed," by Rachel Crothers. Cast — Mrs. John Jacobs. Jr., Mrs. Adrain McCain, Miss Margaret White, Mrs. Charles Swanner, Mrs. Spencer Collins. Music — Mrs. Arnold Peek, Pianist. Miss Leonora Tompkins, Pianist. Mrs. Ollimae Matthews, Violinist. Page Eleven Treasurer's Annual Report GENERAL FUND Receipts from July 1, 1919 to July 1, 1920. Balance July 1, 1919 $ 40.27 Received from Secretary, clues 1613.00 French Orphan 36.50 Total $1689.77 DISBURSEMENTS Rent $ 95.00 Lectures and Concerts 350.00 Printing 89.50 Postage. Stationery and Supplies 55.56 Luncheons and Receptions 13.05 State Federation Dues 28.00 District Federation Dues 14.00 County Federation Dues 5.68 Expense County Federation Convention 6.00 Legislative Council Dues 11.00 Running Expenses of Legislative Council 1.00 County Federation Membership Fee to Legisla- tive Council 2.00 Memorials and Gifts 7.75 Taxes on Ebell Lot 41.42 Work on Ebell Lot 2.25 Club House Fund 7.50 Day Nursery 624.00 Recording Secretary 50.00 President's Expenses to State Convention 40.00 District President's Name on Honor Roll 2.00 Community Song Books 14.37 French Orphan 36.50 Total $1496.58 Balance June 28 $ 193.19 Respectfully submitted, MRS. E. B. SMITH, Treasurer. Page Twelve REPORT OF CLUB HOUSE FUND July 1, 1919 to July 1, 1920 Balance. Cash. July 1, 1919 $ 2.50 Received from Secretary, Interest 91.96 General Fund 7.50 Total $ 101.96 DISBURSEMENTS To Fifth Liberty Bond $ 51.40 Balance July 1. 1920 $ 50.56 Assets — On deposit $ 50.56 Liberty Bonds 2200.00 War .Savings Certificate 41.70 Total on hand July 1, 1920 $2292.26 jMRS. E. B. smith, Treasurer. Page Thirteen The Year's Work Ebell has grown rapidly in membership during the past year, the roll having increased from 287 to 334. There has been a revived interest in the work of the study sections, every section has a full membership roll, and new sections have been formed. A Drama- Music Section composed of the younger women of Ebell has been very successful, and gave the charming June program closing the Club year. The Day Nursery has received its usual generous support, and is doing on excellent work. • Mrs. Aaron Schloss, State President visited the Club in March, and was the honor guest at a luncheon pre- ceding the regular meeting, when county and district chairmen and county club presidents were asked to meet her. Ebell was hostess club to the County Convention in May. Professor Clark of the University of Chicago, who read "Abraham Lincoln" and Gay Zenola Maclaren in "Friendly Enemies" gave two notable programs of the j year. The reception given to the Ebell members at the September meeting by the president and her board was a pleasing innovation, and a unique and interesting ; event was the Club's costume party in May. The musical programs, given by Mr. Clarence A. Gust- lin, Mrs. F. W. Slabaugh and Mrs. Ollimae Matthews were delightful events of the year. Page Fourteen The Ebell Day Nursery The past year has been a year of growth and advance- ment to the Ebell Day Nursery. There has been in- crease of income, expenses and number of children taken care of. .More than six hundred children have been at the Nursery during the month of June. Due to the hearty co-operation and interest shown by all the mem- bers of the Ebell. ways and means have always been provided to meet the problems arising from day to day. Our fame has gone abroad. A member of the com- mittee, who was in another town, overheard two men discussing the wonderful work being done by the Santa Ana Day Nursery. Let us hope and plan, that the com- ing year will be one of still greater achievement and helpfulness. The community has been very generous in its support of the Nursery and the Committee wishes to thank all those who have assisted in the work, and hopes that their interest will continue as the needs increase. Report of Day Nursery Treasurer July 1. 1919 to July 1. 1920. On hand July 1, 1919 $ 580.80 From EbeU 624.00 Gifts 197.80 From Day Nursery 1239.20 12641.80 EXPENDITURES Matron's Salary $ 770.00 Assistant's Salary 340.00 Rent - - 240.00 General Expenses — 408.38 $1758.38 Balance 883.42 MINNIE A. ROSS. Treasurer. Paa:e Fifteen Record of the General Curator The watchword for the Club year 1919-1920 has been Progress. As an aftermath of the intense war work, there has come a renewed interest in section work. All of the year's sections have capacity memberships, with many on the waiting lists. Three new sections have been organized. The Drama-Music, Third Travellers, and Civics Sections. We have a total section member- ship of 251. The Tustin Literature Section has spent a delightful year with American poets and prose writers. The French Section has finished the fascinating story of "Remi," and are ready to take up "Le Second Leire" by Miras. The Drama Section laid emphasis on the modern drama, reviewing several interesting plays, while the Drama-Music Section began with the conti- nental drama, from the Antique Greek and Roman to the modern Italian, Spanish. German. Belgian and Scandinavian. The Music Section has had an enjoyable year, study- ing American music, in all its various forms. A Christ- mas musical program was presented at the County Hos- pital. The Travel Sections have combined travel and his- tory with current events, book reviews, and educational work. The Household Economic Sections have been busy with practical home problems, which tend to reduce the high cost of living. Two of the sections have spent much time and skill in serving excellent luncheons at a nominal cost. Americanization has been emphasized in the various programs and in the philanthrophic work. Much work and money have been expended to further the welfare of the Mexican schools and our own Day Nursery. The Sixth Household Economics has supported a French orphan. While we have not reached last year's slogan, "Every member a Section member," it has been an encourag- ing year. Let us hope 1920-1921 will be a better year with bigger, broader, finer plans for the uplift of hu- manity. Page Sixteen Membership HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS *Mrs. W. S. Bartlett Los Angeles *Mrs. E. D. Buss Bakersfield Miss Anna May Laird Oakland SANTA ANA Adams. Mrs. Good 802 South Birch Albright, Mrs. Jesse 718 South Sycamore *Ames, Mrs. A. W 519 East First Anderson, Mrs. W. W. 615 North Sycamore Andrews, Mrs. F. L 701 East Fourth Atkinson, Mrs. Raymond 505 North Main Austin, Mrs. F. L 319 East Chestnut Backs, Mrs. May C 832 Garfield *Bacom, Mrs. Geo. M Maybury Battey, Mrs. E. T 110 South Birch Baker, Mrs. W. D 618 French Balderston, Mrs. George 321 South Main Bartholomew, Mrs. J. N R. D. 7 Baumgartner, Mrs. J. P 1718 North Main Beals, Mrs. N. A 821 Garfield BeU, Mrs. Ella M 2014 Bush Beissel, Mrs. P. G 218 South Main Bishop, Mrs. A. D Grand and Fairhaven Bishop, Mrs. Clyde 112 Eleventh Bishop. Mrs. J. W 601 South Broadway Black, Mrs. A. C 709 West Fourth *Blee, Mrs. J. W 335 East Pine *Blee, Mrs. R. J 311 Orange Bowers, Mrs. A. C 1401 North Main Boyer, iMrs. C. P R. D. No. 1 Boyd, Miss Rosa 801 North Main r Briggs. Mrs. Geo. S 644 North Broadway Brown, Mrs. Chas. D R. D. No. 7 Browning, Mrs. C. Roy 830y2 Minter Bryant, Mrs. W. C 121 Cypress Burke, Mrs. Joe C 402 South Ross Burns, Mrs. C. W 451 West Sixth Burns, Mrs. E. B 916 Spurgeon Page Seventeen Campau, Mrs. Ella 1 801 French Garden, Mrs. L. J 918 French Carothers, Mrs. Chas 521 Wellington Carter Mrs. Maurice 1502 North Bush Chandler, Mrs. Ray 302 South Birch Chapman, Mrs. Fred R. D. 1 Chase, Miss Maud H 1701 North Bush Clark, Mrs. F. S 1502 North Bush Clark, Mrs. James C 314 East Myrtle Clark, Mrs. J. 1 611 Bush Clarkson, Mrs. John 801 Minter Clayton, Mrs. Ardinell D 717 North Main, Cloyes, Mrs. F. H 512 Orange Cloyes, Miss Inez 425 South Birch Cloves, Mrs. John 626 South Ross Cole, Mrs. Fred L 610 West Fourth Collings. Miss Blanche 118 West Nineteenth , Collins, Mrs. Addie 628 French Collins, Mrs. Spencer 112 East Eleventh Colvin, Mrs. Bertha L 429 South Ross Cook. Mrs. D. F 314 South Broadway Coulter, Mrs. R. E 424 South Birch Cox, Mrs. Amos 1517 North Main Cranston, Mrs. J. A. 305 Cypress Crookshank, Mrs. A. J Box 341 Crookshank, Miss Lida 802 French Crose. Mrs. C. F 517 Bush Crose, Mrs. W. H 705 East Third Dale, Mrs. D. A 518 South BircL Davis. Mrs. C. V 1608 North Main Davis, Mrs. S. M 120 West Eighteenth Dawes. Mrs. H. C 1413 Spurgeon Dearing, Mrs. A. L 1410 Bush Dearing, Mrs. S. M 820 Bush Deimling, Mrs. W. L 1323 North Broadwiy Denning, Mrs. Georgia N 114 South Broadway Dobson, Mrs. G. H 315 East Chestnut i' Drake, Miss Preble 1717 North Broadv.ay Draper, Mrs. M. 1 419 South Bro d.vay Dryer, Mrs. J. L 602 Spurgeon Edgar, Mrs. Neal H 421 Orange Edwards, Miss Katherine 202 East Ninth I'atre Eighteen Eley. xMrs. F. H R. D. 3 Emerson, Mrs. Mary S 810 Riverine Evans, Mrs. Lucy 931 Spurgeon Fairbanks, Mrs. L. C 401 Hickey / Farnsworth, Mrs. F. E 2227 North Broadway Finley, Mrs. A. G R. D. 1 Finley, Mrs. S. H 1633 East Fourth Flagg, Mrs. A. G 702 South Sycamore Flagg, Mrs. J. W 421 East First Forgy, Mrs. H. J. 2107 North Broadway Forgy. Mrs. O. K 204 South Sycamore '' French, Mrs. C. E 21.5 East Ninth French, Miss Ethel 215 East Ninth Gardner, Mrs. A. M 311 East Washington Gardner, Mrs. H. A 1414 Bush I Gardner, Miss Sarah A 412 West Washington Gilbert, Mrs. Eugene S 420 South Main Gist. Mrs. F. M .502 West First Gowen, Mrs. J. E 928 Spurgeon . Grubb, Mrs. W. L North Main / Gustlin, Mrs. Clarence A 816 North Main f Haley. Mrs. 0. A 327 East Washington Hall, Mrs. Emily L 1505 North Main Hall, Mrs. Leroy 2700 North Main Hall, Mrs. Roy H 420 South Birch Halsell, Mrs. Oliver 2216 North Broadway riamil, Mrs. J. C 1901 North Main Hammond, Mrs. Adelaide 606 South Birch Hanson. Mrs. H. L 412 Orange Ha.-ris, Mrs. R. T 401 East Sixth H.urison, Mrs. Ellen 816 Bush Hatch, Mrs. Alice Hill 725 Mortimer H;'.wkinson, Mrs. Florence G 412 West Second Hayes, Mrs. H. N 204 East Fourth Head, Mrs. H. C 214 South Birch Head. Mrs. J. B 842 Garnsey Plead, Miss Percie 520 East Sixth ^Heathman. Mrs. M. F 802 Bush Heil, Mrs. Chas. F 919 Minter Hill, Mri. Thomas L 725 Mortimer Page Nineteen Holmes, Mrs. C. D 1408 North Main Holmes, Mrs. E. G 1104 North Main Holmes, Mrs. Minnie 113 East Tenth Humphrey, Mrs. H. C 1402 North Main Jacobs, Mrs. John, Jr R. D. 1 Jayne, Mrs. F. P 315 East Washington Johnson, Mrs. Byron E 2122 North Broadway Johnson, Mrs. Dean North Main / Keech, Mrs. E. E 319 South Main Kelley, Mrs. Charles 710 Spurgeon Kelloag, Mrs. C. E 433 South Broadway Kellogg, Mrs. J. E 621 Orange Kendall, Mrs. C. S. 311 Cypress Kendall, Mrs. Chas. R 817 South Broadway Kendall, Mrs. Harry L. 311 Cypress Kingston. Mrs. C. A 802 Spurgeon Knights, Mrs. T. D 622 Lacy Koepsel. Mrs. A. E 2072 North Main Kredel, Mrs. Frank 1320 North Broadway Lacy, Mrs. Mark B 805 South Broadway Lagassie, Mrs. May 809 East Santa Clara Lamb, Mrs. J. C 105 Orange Lamme, Mrs. C. E 601 South Sycamore Lane, Mrs. C. R 203 East Tenth Langley, Mrs. C. C 802 Lacy Lawton, Mrs. A. J 1104 French Lewis, Mrs. Harry W R. D. 1 / Liebig, Mrs. J. E 336 East Pine Linsenbard, Mrs. Martha E 415 West First Lowe, Mrs. W. L 221 Cypress / Lyon, Mrs. A. H 809 Bush Macomber, Miss Prudence E 1701 North Bush Madden, Mrs. E. L 902 South Flower Magill, Dr. Peryl B Rowley Bldg. Marks, Mrs. F. A North Bristol Marshall, Mrs. Joseph East Santa Clara Matthews Mrs. Mary P 1605 East Fourth Matthews, Mrs. Ollimae Enlow 315 West Third May, Miss Beulah Depot and Maybury Page Twenty McCain, Mrs. Adrain 525 South Broadway McCleaiv. .Mrs. W. L 207 East Ninth McCormac, Mrs. J. W 108 Church *McFadden, Miss Jeannette 202 East Ninth xMcFadden, Mrs. John 906 North Main McFadden, Miss Mabel E 906 North Main *MedlocL Mrs. J. R ...820 North Main Menges, Mrs. M. A 1602 East First -Menton, Mrs. W. F. 306 Spurgeon Metzgar. Mrs. J. C 606 Spurgeon .Miles, Mrs. R. E 418 South .Main Miles, Mrs. R. Raymond 601 South Ross .Miller. .Mrs. Jessie I. 2525 Santiago -Miner, Mrs. F. A 319 South Main Minter, .Miss Blanche 322 West Third '' -Minter, -Miss Lula M 322 West Third * -Montgomery. Mrs. Victor 1418 North -Main Montgomery, Miss Gertrude 1418 North Main Morrison, Mrs. E. L 116 South Birch Mullinix, Mrs. Susan 1414% North Main Nay, Miss Ida 520 East Sixth NeflF, Mrs. Nat H 729 South Ross Nelson, Mrs. A. P. Sixteenth Nelson, Mrs. Harold W 1207 North Broadway Nelson, -Mrs. Hillard 202 Cvpress Nickey, Mrs. F. P 519' Bush Norton, .Mrs. Geo. E 431 West First O'Brien. .Miss Ada 1910 Bush Olivarri. Mrs. Jack 306 Orange Ore, Miss .Margaret 902 French Otis, -Mrs. W. E 1330 North Main Padgham, Mrs. A. J 208 East Ninth Parsons, Mrs. Fred 411 South Main Parsons, Miss Pauline 106 East Chestnut Patton, -Mrs. -M. A. 112 South Lyon Paul, -Mrs. J. E R. D. 1 Peek, Mrs. .\rnold 821 South Broadway Peterson. Mrs. Rov 604 South Sycamore Phillips, -Mrs. .Mit' 1506 North .Main Pinkerton, Mrs. Frank G .1520 North Broadway Page Twent}-one Pomeroy, Mrs. E. V. S 808 South Broadway Preble, Mrs. George 931 Spurgeon Preston, Mrs. F. A 605 South Birch Prince, Mrs. E. H 802 Hickey Quick, Mrs. J. G 1608 East Fourth Randell, Mrs. Geo. H 923 Minter ——Randall, Mrs. J. R 402 Cypress Randall, Mrs. S. L 711 East Seventeenth Reinhaus, Mrs. Max 809 West Fourth ^ Reynolds, Mrs. P. R 720 Bush ^O' Richardson, Miss Gertrude 516 West Fifth Riggs, Mrs. Charles 901 Spurgeon Robbins, Mrs. Mac 2063 North Main /^ Robbins, Mrs. O. M 930 Lacy Roberts. Mrs. J. B 202 East Tenth Robertson, Mrs. Mary B 1317 North Main Robinson. Mrs. Chas. A 1119 North Main Robinson, Mrs. Fred 1625 North Main / Robinson, Mrs. P. A 219 East Washington Roehm, Mrs. E. R J/./^X -^^^^>-825 NTjrth Ross Rogers, Mrs. F. J flOlO North Ross Roper, Mrs. J. J 104 Orange Rose, Mrs. W. S 918 Lacy Ross. Mrs. Stephen 1102 South Main Rowland, Mrs. Elliott 913 Cypress Rowland, Mrs. F. C 810 McClay Rutherford, Mrs. Susie M 202y2 South Sycamore Sammis, Mrs. H. M 216 East Washington Schmidt, Mrs. J. C 2055 North Main Schrock, Mrs. P. F 619 Bush Searles, Mrs. C. E 202 South Birch Selway, Mrs. H. J 726 South Birch • Slabaugh. Mrs. F. W 1612 North Broadway Sleeper, Mrs. Jas 602 Spurgeon Smart, Mrs. J. S 806 North Main Smart, Mrs. W. M 714 North Main Smith, Mrs. C. F 1717 North Broadway Smith, Mrs-CareyrR 1308 North Main Smith, Mrs. Dama 1230 French *Smith, Mrs. E. B 106 South Birch l':ise Twenty-two Smith, Mrs. Geo. S 916 French Smith. Mrs. Harr>^ M 1235 French Smith, Mrs. Hugh 1600 Fruit Snow, Mrs. J. Edmund 335 West Eighteenth Spicer, Mrs. Chas 1407 North Bush Sprague. Mrs. E. B 912 North Main Stephenson, Mrs. J. L 223 West Santa Clara Stephenson, Mrs. Terry E 926 Lacy Stever. Mrs. Fred B 1207 Spurgeon Stewart. Mrs. J. B 620 South Birch Stewart. Mrs. W. 1 214 South Broadwav Stockslager. Mrs. E. A 1514 North Main Stockslager. Miss Hazel 1514 North Main Stone. Mrs. Frances 1115 Spurgeon Sumner, Miss Nelle 410 West First Swales, Mrs. Leonard G 2115 North Broadway Swanner. Mrs. Chas. 841 Garnsey Teal Mrs. A. H 2525 Santiago Talbott. Miss Mary 632 North Ross Taylor. Mrs. M. A Edgewood Road Tedford. Mrs. Walter B 1310 North Broadway Thompson. Mrs. R. J 402 Orange Timmons. Mrs. Howard 2069 North Main Tompkins, Miss Leonora 618 East Third Tople, Mrs. P. L Eighteenth Tremain. Dr. Mabel Vance Anaheim, R. D. 3 Trueblood, Mrs. H. J 516 South Main Tubbs. Mrs. Alice 1017 North Main Tubbs. Mrs. W. Lester 1810 North Broadway Turner Mrs. Marie 320 East Chestnut Tuthill." Mrs. R. G 1702 North Broadway Uttley. Mrs. B 423 East Pine Van Cleave, Mrs. I. W - 317 Halesworth Vincent, Mrs. E. E 417 West First Vincent, Mrs. R. E R. D. 1 Wagner, Mrs. Herbert E 616 West Fourth Walker. Miss Anna 906 North Sycamore Walker, Mrs. Herbert R. D. 1 Walker, Mrs. J. H 514 East Second Page Twentv-three Wakeham, Mrs. H. L R. D. 1 Wall, Miss Mary 110 East Eleventh Warren, Mrs. Lea 814 Parton Wasser, Mrs. W. W 402 South Sycamore Wassum, Mrs. Howard A East Depot Wedell, Mrs. P. C 2038 North Main Wehrly, Mrs. John 819 Spurgeon Wheeler. Mrs. John L 814 South Birch White, Mrs. B. F 730 South Birch White Mrs. Emrys D 624 South Broadway White, Mrs. Horace W 530 South Ross White, Miss Margaret 730 South Ross Whitehead, Mrs. Lena 809 East Santa Clara Wiesseman, Mrs. F. W 2021 North Broadway Williams, Mrs. W. B 1340 North Broadway * Wilson. Mrs. J. Dick .530 South Birch / Winbigler, Mrs. T. A 207 East Ninth Witman, Mrs. H. W R. D. 7 Wright. Mrs. Grace 1104 North Main Wright, Dr. Mary E 210 North Ross Young, Mrs. Christina 1206 North Broadway Zerman, Mrs. A. N 505 South Sycamore Belding, Mrs. W. M. Beisel. Mrs. N. * Bennett, Mrs. C. F. Bowman, Mrs. Chas. E. Browning. Mrs. F. B. Childs Mrs. Minnie C. Crawford. Mrs. B. A. Hatzfeld, Mrs. J. P. *Hubbard. Mrs. Geo. Leihy, Mrs. O. A. Leihy, Mrs. W. L. TUSTIN Logan, Mrs. Frank A. *McCharles, Mrs. D. L. *Nau, Mrs. Samuel W. / Nealley, Mrs. E. M. Plumb, Mrs. H. J. Stanley, Mrs. S. W. Tubbs. Miss M. Louise Tubbs, Mrs. V. V. Vance, Mrs. Lilian Otis Wakeham, Mrs. Frank ORANGE Edwards, Mrs. N. T. Zaiser, Mrs. Harry E. Paare Twcntv-four GARDEN GROVE Dozier. Mrs. E. M. Re\ burn, Mrs. Geo. R. Horowitz. Mrs. S. Violett. Mrs. C. C. NEWPORT BEACH Crosier, .Mrs. W. W. Shaw, Mrs. L. L. EL TORO Bennett. Mrs. Harvey F. / Moiilton. Mrs. L. F. IRVINE Carroll. Mrs. Agnes E. Cornelius, Mrs. Walter Spencer, Mrs. Harry WESTMINSTER Pyle. Mrs. J. J. HUNTINGTON BEACH Miles, Mrs. G. W. PASADENA Scott, Mrs. M. R. OWENSMOUTH Bristol, Mrs. H. R. SAN FRANCISCO Gilmacker, Mrs. H. BERKELEY Beals. Mrs. N. A. * Charter members. je Twenty-five IN MEMORIAM MRS. J. P. HIGHT MRS. CHAS. N. PERKINS MRS. SARAH B. PRESCOTT MRS. J. S. RICE MRS. FRANK TODD Articles of Incorporation Know All Men by These Presents: That we, the un- dersigned citizens and residents of the State of Cali- fornia, do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves to- gether for the purpose of incorpt)rating under the laws of the state of California, a private corporation. And we do hereby certify: First — That the name of said corporation is "The Ebell Society of the Santa Ana Valley." Second — That the purpose for which said corporation is formed is for the mutual improvement of its members in literature, art. social culture, and the discussion of the vital questions of the day: also to acquire by gift, legacy, purchase or otherwise, property, both real and personal. re(}uired for the effective carrying out of the above named purpose; also to hold mortgage, sell or otherwise legally convey such property so acquired. Third — That the place wliere the principal business of said corporation is to be transacted is Santa Ana, Orange County. California. Fourth — That the term for which said corporation is to exist is fifty years from and after the date of its in- corporation. Fifth — That the number of directors of said corpora- tion shall be seven, and the names and residences of the directors who are appointed for the first year, and to serve until the election of such officers, and their names and cjualifications are as follows, to-wit : Annie L. Bibber Orange, California Lillian C. Bishop ..- Santa Ana, California Florence B. Nealley Tustin. California Rosalind E. Nickey Santa Ana. California Viola S. Norman Santa .\na. California Tennessee G. Phillips Santa Ana, California Josephine E. Smith ...Santa Ana. California Page Twentv-seven Sixth — That said corporation has no capital stock. Seventh — That pursuant to a call therefor this asso- ciation was organized at a meeting duly held in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia, on the 27th day of November. 1909; and it was then and there resolved to proceed to incorporate this said association; and an election was then and there duly held for the election of directors of this said cor- poration; that a majority of the members of the said association were then and there present and voted at the said election, which said election resulted in the choice of the above named directors of the incorpora- tion; all of which is more particularly set forth in the certificate and verification by the officers conducting the said election, hereto annexed, and made a part and portion of these Articles of Incorporation. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 27th day of November, 1909. (Seal) ANNIE L. BIBBER, (Seal) LILLIAN C. BISHOP, (Seal) FLORENCE B. NEALLEY, (Seal) ROSALIND E. NICKEY, (Seal) VIOLA S. NORMAN, (Seal) TENNESSEE G. PHILLIPS, (Seal) JOS-PHINE E. SMITH. Page Twentv-eight By-Laws ARTICLE I !\ame The incorporate name of this Society shall be "The Ebell Society of the Santa Ana Valley." ARTICLE II Object The object of this Society is advancement in all lines of general culture and the promotion of the best in- terests of the community. ARTICLE III Officers The officers of this Society shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents. Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer and General Curator. These of- ficers with a Board of Seven Directors ( one of whom shall be the President) shall constitute the Executive Committee. An honorary President shall l^e elected at the dis- cretion of the Society. A Historian shall be appointed by the President. ARTICLE l\ Pollers and Duties of Officers Section L The powers of this corporation, except as herein otherwise provided in the By-Laws, are vested in the Board of Directors. Section 2. The Board of Directors shall control all permanent financial matters and other established af- fairs that pertain to the life, welfare, and methods of the Society. Section 3. The Recording Secretary shall be the Sec- retary of the Board of Directors. Section 4. Resolutions passed by the Directors shall be handed in writing to the Executive Committee to be entered in their minutes. Page Twentj-nine ARTICLE V Pollers and Duties of the Executive Committee Section 1. The Executive Committee shall arrange and control the current affairs of the Society, receive the reports of all committees and act upon them. Section 2. The Executive Committee shall incur no indebtedness beyond the necessary current expenses of the Society. Section 3. Five members shall constitute a quorum. Section 4. Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Committee ( except that of President ) shall be filled by the Executive Committee. Section 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall be the Secretary of the Executive Committee and shall report all matters of interest to the General Society. ARTICLE VI Duties of Officers Section 1. The President shall be chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, shall preside at all meetings, call all special meetings and appoint all standing committees. In the absence or disability of the President her duties shall be assumed by the Vice-Presidents in the order of their rank. In case of the death or resignation of the President the office shall be declared vacant and the First Vice- President immediately installed President. The vacancy in the office of First Vice-President shall be filled by the Executive Committee. Section 2. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Society, receive all moneys for dues and pay it over to the Treasurer, sign all bills and corporation papers, issue membership cards to all members, act on the Year Book Committee and make an annual report to the Society. Section 3. The Corresponding Secretary shall at- tend to the correspondence of the Society, keep the min- utes of the Executive Committee, and issue all notices ordered by the Executive Committee. l^ige Thirtj Section 4. The Treasuier sliall have charge of all tlie funds of the Society, shall pay all bills audited by the Executive Committee, and make a monthly and an- nual report of all money received and disbursed and the amount on hand. Section 3. The duty of the General Curator shall be the organization and fostering of sections. She shall receive applications for the formation of new sections and shall keep herself informed of the general charac- ter of the work of each section and make a report of the same at the annual meeting of the Society. Section 6. The Historian shall compile a history of the Society from the date of the organizatit>n. ARTICLE VH Standing Committees Section 1. Chairmen of the Standing Committees shall constitute an Advisory Board for the Executive Committee. Standing Committees shall be: (1) House Committee, (2) Ushers, (3) Entertain- ment Committee. (4) Press Committee. (5) Auditing Committee, (6) Flower Committee, (7) Education Com- mittee. (8) Day Nursery Committee. Section 2. The House Committee shall attend to the receiving of membership and guest cards, ac as host- esses in welcoming guests, and look after the comfort of members at all regular and special meetings of the club. Section 3. The Ushers shall attend to the seating of members and guests and shall lend assistance to the House Committee. Section 4. The Entertainment Committee shall have charge of all social occasions and buy all supplies or- dered by tlie Executive Committee. Section 5. The Press Committee shall attend to the necessary printing of notices and report all meetings for the press. Section 6. The Auditing Committee shall audit the annual report of the Treasurer and report the same in writing at the annual meeting. I'aare Thirtv-one Section 7. The Flower Committee shall attend to the sending of suitable memorials for deceased mem- bers. Section 8. The Education Committee shall keep the club in touch with the educational interests of the com- munity and work for the advancement of such interests. Section 9. The Day Nursery Committee shall have entire control, management and oversight of the Day Nursery established by this Society, with power to de- vise ways and means for paying the expenses of the same; but no indebtedness or liability incurred shall be binding upon the Society unless such expense has been authorized in detail by the Executive Committee. This committee shall consist of nine members, three of whom shall be newly appointed each year. ARTICLE VIII Membership Section 1. All applications for membership shall be presented to the Executive Committee, endorsed by three members in good standing who shall be personally responsible for applicant. Section 2. No application for membership shall be acted upon by the Executive Committee unless accom- panied by the admission fee and semi-annual dues. Section 3. Honorary life membership in this Society may be given by vote of the Society in recognition of distinguished services. Such membership shall confer al rights and privileges of ordinary membership with- out payment of dues. Section 4. Associate mendjership may be granted, by vote of the Society, to the teachers in the public schools upon payment by them of the annual dues. Such membership shall not confer guest privileges or the right to vote or hold any office. Section 5. A non-resident of good standing in any federated club may become a visiting member for the current year upon presentation of her membership card to the Executive Board and on payment of the annual Page Thirty-two dues. She may become a regular member at any time by payment i)f the membership fee. Visiting member- ship shall not confer guest privileges nor the right to vote nor hold office. ARTICLE IX. Dues and Fees Section 1. The membership fee shall be five dollars ($5.00). The annual dues shall be four dollars ($4.00). Section 2. The dues shall be paid semi-annually, on or before the regular October meeting and on or before the regular March meeting. Any member who is in arrears November 1st or April 1st. shall be notified by the Secretary and if she still be in arrears at the Novem- ber of April meetings she shall be considered suspended from membership. Section 3. New members who sliall be received after February first shall pay the regular membership fee and one-half tlie annual dues for the remainder of the cur- rent year. Section 4. Members who have been suspended for non-payment of dues may be restored to membership upon payment of back dues, provided such members are not in arrears for more than one year. ARTICLE X Time of Meeting Section 1. Except during the months of December, July and August, a regular meeting of the Society shall take place on the last Monday